Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 9, 2023, season 25 episode 3 and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 25 episode 3 called, “PoV and Ceremony” as per the CBS synopsis, “The houseguests compete to win the power of veto; during the veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same or save someone from eviction for the week.”
So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!
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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with Reilly saying that she left Felicia and Kirsten on the block, with her target being Kirsten because she has been doing too much too fast and she can’t trust her down the line. Meanwhile, Kirsten feels betrayed by Felicia because they were in alliance together.
Cory says the nether region is scary, but the block is scarier. He is so happy to be taken off. Felicia is not letting being on the block scare her, she is going to stay positive. Izzy goes to see Kirsten, who is in the bedroom crying. Cirie walks in as well and feels for Kirsten, but she is a hot mess and a loose cannon. Cirie is happy Jared is off the block, but she knows they are by no means safe because there is still the Veto to play.
Reilly is chatting with Felicia and she tells her that she is not the target, she is simply a pawn because Kirsten has her hands in too many cookie jars.
Luke and Cory are talking and he says he didn’t know Cory was on the block.
The backyard opens and everyone is thrilled to see the pool and the hot tub, Felicia slips and falls in the hot tub.
Felicia’s red flag is up, the houseguests in the scary room are getting really close: Really, Matt, Blue, Jag and Cameron.
Reilly and Jag are talking, she tells him that he is her number one person, the person she wants to stay loyal too – he is the perfect person to make it to the end of the game with. Jag loves solidifying his final two with her, he thinks she is a great player.
Reilly and her scary houseguests make their alliance official, they are all different and they decide to name themselves The Handful. They agree they are a core team, their little secret and they are all going to protect each other. Their one goal for now is to win the POV so Kirsten doesn’t win and take herself off the block.
Cory and Cirie are speaking, she is walking him closely because he is a super fan. In a lot of ways, Cory thinks she is the one to beat, he has to think of how to knock her out.
Jag, Hisam, Bowie are in the workout room talking religion and politics. Hisam loves Jag’s story.
Felicia tells Cirie and her group that she has a theory about the scary room and the alliance that they have formed. So, she comes up with a plan to create the Bye Bye Bitches alliance which includes Felicia, Cirie, Izzy, Bowie (who is already in another alliance) and Mimi.
The Handful alliance decides to recruit three more houseguests, Cory, Jared and America, each of them will add something unique to their group. They start with speaking to Cory, this is good news for him. He is so happy, if they win a competition, he is good. America is on board too, they are all loving it. Jag goes to speak to Jared, and he loves it too but his mom’s name is not mentioned in the alliance so he runs to her right away. Cirie tells him that she knew about the alliance already, he can bring information to her, but she is super nervous that she can be their target.
Kirsten knows that everything is on the line, she needs to kick butt to win the Veto.
Reilly calls everyone to pick the players for the Veto competition. The nominees, Felicia and Kirsten join Reilly. They pick names out of a box, Reilly chooses Hisam, Kirsten chooses Blue, Felicia chooses Cameron.
Time for the Veto competition, the houseguests go outside and it is set up as a nature scene and this one comes from the humili-verse. Everyone is going to have the experience of an Atomic Wedgie. On go, they have to stack plastic flowers on to a vase platform. But be careful, because they can be humiliated at any moment and hoisted into the air by their giant underwear. They have to stack all 35 flowers on their vase, hit the pressure button with their structure still standing to win the golden POV.
So many of players get close, then get pulled back by the Atomic Wedgie and drop. Hisam has tried to many different combinations and nothing is working. On another go, Kirsten and Hisam are neck and neck, she drops and Hisam wins the POV. Hisam now wants to use his power to best benefit his game. Reilly is frustrated, she is not sure what Hisam is going to do. Even though Kirsten lost, she has no intention of walking out of the house this week.
Time for the Veto meeting, Hisam has the power to veto one of the nominations and he decides not to use the Veto. He likes the two of them, and cannot decide to give it to one over the other.